The Estate Landscape Team
Estate gardening is more than just landscape maintenance; it’s guiding the development of a landscape over time, and it requires a specialized team.
Outsourcing Grounds Services
Most estate properties employ a small crew in-house to do the everyday maintenance and care for the grounds. When it comes to big projects or specialty services, however, it may be necessary to outsource landscape needs.
Update Your Employee Handbook
Your employee handbook should be reviewed annually to reflect the changing professional environment as well as the evolving preferences of your principal.
Wynn Win // Loaning Fine Art
Whatever the reason your Principal may choose to loan a priceless work to a museum, as part of your due diligence as the Estate Manager, you should research and collect information on the transaction and create a detailed records file of the transaction.
The Estate ‘Green Room’
Traditionally, the green room is a quiet waiting place where an artist can gather their thoughts, rehearse a line or polish a few bars. It’s unknown where the name came from, but one story is that London’s Blackfriars Theatre (1599) included a room behind the scenes which happened to be painted green; here the actors […]
Member Tips on Working With Vendors
We recently reached out to members of the network for tips on working with vendors. Respect, communication and relationship-building were a common theme. Also important are vetting your vendors and follow-through. Have something to add to the conversation? Drop us a line or leave a comment. Scott Gerow | Estate Manager / Owner | 360 Concierge […]
Creating Vendor Guidelines
In a perfect world, every vendor who crossed through the gates would care for and respect the multi-million dollar property they were entering as much as the estate staff. This is almost never the case. Generally, vendor staff are focused on getting their job done as easily and quickly as possible. They have no idea […]
Story Poles
If you haven’t managed a construction project in Los Angeles County, you may be confused when asked to submit your story pole survey to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Story poles are tall poles with flags or contractor tapes on them that depict the outline of the project. They are put into place on site […]
How to Handle Household Staff?
Recently, Ms. Baibakova made headlines not for her influence on the art world, but for her disctinct opinions on household staff.
Historic Duck’s Nest is Handed Down to the Next Generation
Descendants of one of Palm Beach’s oldest families completed a real estate hand-off this week that included a $7 million deed transfer from one generation to the next. The transaction involved one of the oldest structures on the island, the deconsecrated church known as the Old Bethesda-by-the-Sea, which faces the lake at 306 Maddock Way. […]